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Dorah Namaala declares her status

BUKEDDE TV presenter Dorah Namaala has claimed to be proud of being a single mother and that nothing can break her.
“I am a proud single mother, happy and wiser and I know I can move on when the right time comes,” she said during a press conference on the Namaala Vibe Ku Mmeeri party, a boat cruise to mark her 17 years in the media industry.
Namaala noted that being a single mother has enabled her come up with a number of developmental ideas, which would have been difficult had she been married.
She encouraged fellow single mothers to stay strong and patient knowing everything happens for a reason and that the Lord can use them in whichever situation they are in to positively impact the nation.
Singles attending the boat cruise, which will run from April 30 to May 1, will pay sh390,000 and couples sh450,000, with proceeds going to single mothers by paying school requirements for their children.
Namala was dumped by the father of her kids many years ago after they fell out over marital differences that saw her packup her clotjes and started living a single life till now.
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