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Forget all about VPN it takes mob data

Before you opt or go for VPN, first know the dynamics of  VPN and then existing politics. Otherwise you will meet more problems than you expected.

The government of Uganda has blackmailed its people to pay the social media tax.

The greedy leaders know that people have reached a point where they can’t avoid social media. It’s the easiest way of communication with our loved ones, marketing our products and services, getting news etc.

When you refuse to pay this oppressive tax and opt for VPN you will use much more data, making it more expensive than paying the tax. And when you use more data the government benefits more from taxing the data because the data is provided by telecom companies not VPN.

In short, we’ve been blackmailed into paying this tax whether we want it or not. Boycotting is not an option. Either way the government milks the cow even without feeding it. Sadly, the government has reached the point of milking the cow to near death. By now it’s ‘milking’ blood.

I pray for our motherland that God’s sovereignty will prevail over human lusts. By all means, the children of God shall prosper because our prosperity is from above.

One this is that this OTT tax has reduced traffic on social media. The noise makers have been silenced. Well, one researcher has told us that this government is like that of Zachaeus of the Bible.

Mbu Zachaeus would tax whatever he found in the market. That the man in the Bible would find you standing in the market and then asks you, “what are you doing here?” Then he would tax you for standing in the market.

This is what this government is doing? It is taxing us for standing in the market. However, Jesus Christ did pay tax; so let us pay.

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