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God has given me another chance to live-Judith Babirye

By Correspondent 

What do you do when your best human tries to electrocute you? What do you do when that person tries to suffocate you? What do you do when you realize someone is so determined to kill you?

I have lived to tell a story that many women have not been able to! Allow me borrow the words of Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) “Ain’t I A Woman”. She was tired of being a slave and she spoke up not to change her past but rather change the future of the African American woman.

Singer Judith Babirye

I follow her footsteps to speak against gender based violence not to change my past, but rather change the future of that woman who is trapped in a maze of Gender Based Violence!

I was engulfed in fear but I am no longer a slave to fear and Gender Based violence, God has given me another chance to live.

Many have perished because they feared to speak up! I speak for that woman woman who bled to death with no medical explanation. I speak because ‘am a woman! If one woman Sojourner changed her times to this day, we can together end Gender based violence. I Silent No more, Ain’t I A woman? Join me, You are the Arms of Love the world is waiting for.

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