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Gossip guru is caught in the act

One of the gossip guru in this town was recently caught in the act. The towering gossip guru, who wears a perenial vernacular smile, was in a compromising position.

Like they say, the hunter is now being hunted. The unfortunate part of this saga is that the promiscous woman in the picture is married. The Drone Media has gathered that the husband of the woman is a tycoon, who frequents overseas.

However, the estranged husband had instructed his rogue boys to trail the scribe and get evidence. Sources say that the scribe had double crossed the tycoon; he was moving with the tycoon’s wife at the same time trading gossip his escapades about in national newspapers.

As fate has it, the scribe; who is a gossip guru, was ambushed by the tycoon’s hang -ons, who promptly snapped him in a compromising position.

By the way, what is gossip? It is a casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. “he became the subject of much local gossip.”

In other words, gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling.

The word guru means an influential teacher or popular expert while the word gossip is rooted in the Old English term, godsibb, recorded sometime around 1014, meaning “a child’s godparent or sponsor at a baptism.” Over time, and after a number of spelling changes, gossip came to mean “a good friend, usually a woman.” By the 1500s, the word was mostly used for “idle chatter and rumor,”

What do people say about gossip?

Some say that gossip serves no purpose other than to hear yourself talk while others are of the view that gossip people judge harshly, criticize and condemn others through gossip, rumor or bad word of mouth, yet they set themselves up for the same unfair trials.

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