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Leave Hon Kato Lubwama, English is not Education

Kato Lubwama probably doesn’t know good English. In fact he doesn’t understand English well and is not perfect when it comes to that lingua franca of the modern world.
But whereas he’s like that, he is a member of the top legislative body, a member of parliament and it gives you and me a lesson to learn.
The world is not ruled by the perfects, by the impeccable and/or the flawless. The world is ruled by people who know their imperfections but they still believe that their imperfections cannot stop them from reaching on top of their dreams.

If Kato Lubwama kept re-echoing to himself the fact that he’s not good at English, it would have probably stopped him from achieving his dreams but besides not knowing English, Kato knew that he has other perfect traits that he can use to over shadow his poor English and still achieve what he wanted to achieve and behold he’s a member of Parliament and his vote counts just like the votes of people who have the Mukasa Mbidde’s type of English.

How many of you have ever thought about trying something and your conscience keeps telling you that you are not good enough? How many times have you used your flaws as a reason not to try out what you feel you can do? It’s high time you get out of yourself the fear of “I am not smart enough, I am not good enough for this” the feeling of inferiority, get out of yourself anything that lowers your esteem, get your arrows ready and shoot at your targets.

I have always had people challenging and asking if Quin Abenakyo is the most beautiful girl in Africa or even in Uganda. The probable answer is; she might not even be the most beautiful in her home district. But where are the thousands of girls whom you always claim to know who are times cuter than Quin?
If Quin kept looking at herself in Mirror, comparing herself with girls she meets on the streets, sees on TVs and everywhere, Quin wouldn’t have even dared to contest in Uganda. But her determination, ignoring her flaws and imperfections and focusing on her strength, Quin is now Miss World Uganda, Miss World Africa and made it to top 5 five in the world.

The Bible itself says that the most wise do not always become rich, the fastest do not always win the race while the bravest will not always emerge victors of the battle.

Get up, put aside the fear, ignore people who tell you that you are not perfect, Shakira, one of the greatest musicians of our generation was once told by her music teacher that she sings like a goat but she ignored that call and said to herself, I am a great musician. Stop looking at what you are and thinking that you can’t be something bigger, Andrey Rajolina had to let go of the fact that he was a Disco Jocker (DJ) and went on to become the president of Madagascar. Stop looking at your flaws but focus on your strength. It’s what you feel in yourself not what people look in you that will makes you what you will become. Jacob Zuma former President of South Africa never went to school.
You are a victor your imperfections should never overcome your perfections.

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