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Maya Musuuza is one of the trending kids on the block

It is not yet the day; September 30, but Maya Musuuza  is getting birthday wishes, nice sweet messages are all over depicting the kid (Maya) as one of the trending kids on the block.

Maya Musuuza is the daughter of singers Rema Namakula and Edrisa Musuuza commonly known as Eddy Kenzo, this week; Thursday September 30, she will make 10 years on earth.

One of the messages reads, “just to remind you that we are the future of our county we have to work hard for it’s glory as we grow up. Happy birthday my dear friend.” That is a message from her fellow kid, who thinks big and is preparing for the future.

In case you didn’t already know, Maya is a celebrity in making. She is leading the best 10-year-olds in the whole of Uganda. And the older they get, the more fun it is to throw them birthday parties. Something about this age is just a blissful pleasure among the parents.

Parents should consider all the 10-year-old birthday party ideas possible when planning their parties in previous years. These celebrations bring back lost love between parents, therefore always endevour to celebrate.

The Drone Media always publish some of these awesome ideas for throwing birthday bashes for boys, perfect party themes for girls, 10-year-old birthday party ideas at home, and creative ways to do a 10-year-olds birthday parties in the lockdown. Birthdays are just so much fun and by far one of the most favorite celebrations among happy people.

Maya Musuza is born lucky, she is celebrated and that is why she is in the news. She is growing with this kind of fame; a status her parents need to diligently observe lest fame goes up onto her head. Once fame goes up onto her head she might not acheive alot.

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