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My Dad got killed in a bar fight

By Drone Staff

What happens if your parents raised you without rules? My dad got killed in a bar when I was 5 years old due to a fight.

My mom was a very submissive person but a very hard worker, at 30 years old she managed to rise us four, me and my brother and two sisters without any help and for some reason she never got married again even if she had many suitors.

When I was growing up my brother I did as we pleased, never got punished for any reason don’t matter what we did. I started to drink at the age of 14 and no matter what I do my mom or anybody else in my family never told me anything about it.

I can say that I grew up without rules or any paternal figure somehow I became a very responsible person, I guess I matured so fast and when I met my wife, we were both teenagers, but women mature  so fast and faster than we men do, so whatever damage I had she managed to help me and make me a better person, now I still drink occasionally.

We have three kids, 25, 21 and 17 they’re all very lovely kids very respectful, my oldest child already graduated from university and  has a masters degree and already got a job close to 6 figure salary; my son and my little daughter still in school, I think my wife is like an angel to me.

My two sisters and my brother are very good hard working people also. My mom is 73 years old now and more happy than ever. I guess growing up without any rule is not that bad, but it can be detrimental at times. As you have read, I was very lucky, otherwise drinking would have robbed my future. I miss my Dad.

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