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Team No Sleep Singer Sheebah Kalungi reportedly nursing a disorder

By Angela Nyakuni

Apparently Sheebah Kalungi is nursing a disorder.  She is quoted to have said recently, “Some of us are really just living. We ain’t dating, we ain’t being a hoe (whore), we don’t like nobody, nobody likes us. We are just working, eating, sleeping and living life.”

According to psychologists this disorder is characterized by lack or absence of fantasies and desire for conjugal activity in a situation that would normally produce an arousal, or the inability to attain or maintain typical responses to a conjugal act. This is exactly what itches the Ugandan female dancehall queen.

Besides, Sheebah is today being bashed left and right for her comments she uttered without a second thought. She recently said she is “Nakyeyombekedde” meaning she is a self-reliant woman, who does not beseech men. She clarified on it that she does not have feelings for men. Really?

The most recent utterance was about Andrew Kabuura and Flavia Tumusiime relationship mishap.

Sheebah Kalungi posted this, ” I am very disgusted by the way society is disrespecting a very hard working, respectful , brilliant woman like Flavia Tumusiime yet am sure she’s already going through enough! Instead of blaming the person who strays, the world would rather try to figure out why the cheating happened and then place blame. Often, that blame is placed on the woman, even when it’s wrong. Stop shaming women .

I sympathize with you Flavia, but be strong my friend, they want you to break down & lose it. Don’t give them that satisfaction, you’ve worked so hard for your crown! You are a phenomenal woman. God bless you. As for Women Teething about this… SHAME ON YOU.

The post has since attracted hostile comments against the Team No Sleep Singer, Sheebah Kalungi, who the fans assured that she has no moral authority to comment on relationships. True, Sheebah siad she does not have feeling for men; therefore she should leave issues of men to those with feelings, period!

Sheebah Kalungi

Science says there are neurochemical processes that bring such feelings or occurrences whenever men and women are in love.  According to Silva, a psychologist, the body releases adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin, in addition to testosterone and estrogen. Dopamine is what creates chivalrous behavior in men and intense attachment for women.

According to Silva, once you have fallen for someone, your body naturally speeds up its processing of these feel-good hormones, which creates a chemical intensity that is often described as “love.” It’s not long before the bodies become addicted to the euphoric feelings of love triggered by the lovers.

For instance, when a partner leaves on a business trip or is away from another, he/she may feel stressed (especially if it is a newer relationship),” Baguma tells The Drone Media. “When they feel stressed they are biologically seeking validation that everything is okay from their partners.”

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