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Workers Councillor blames government for exposing labour force to Covid-19 at

Robinah Kagoye, a workers advocate is one of the people who addressed a press briefing about Covid-19

By Pidson Kareire

Workers’ Councillor has blamed government for exposing the Ugandan labour force to the Coronavirus also known as Covid-19.

The councilors, Robert Wanjusi Matukhu and Robinah Kagoye, who addressed a press briefing at Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Headquarters, said Ministry of labour was not represented while the head of state addressed the nation.

They claim that the Ministry of Labour, Gender and Social Development is the most affected line ministry, but government rushed to close schools, churches and music promotions (Ebivulu), leaving out vulnerable workers to the mercy of God.

Besides, while all other departments were represented, labour/workers were nowhere. Wanjusi explained that while the guidelines provided by the government are good, they need monitoring and inspection by specialized labour experts.

“If people always break laws, how sure are you that they won’t neglect guidelines,” Wanjusi asked. He said that if government involves labour experts, by forming committees, which will include one government representative, one employee and employer’s representative, will be vigilant and implement guidelines put in place.

Another petition by the workers councilors was that employers are directing workers from far while they stay apart to avoid congestion. This selfish interest leaves workers to the danger of the pandemic.

What is actually bothering the councilors is that workers have continued working despite the dangers of pandemic. Labour officials should have provided guidelines for workers. Schools, churches and public gatherings have been suspended, but how about the labour force.

The councilors said they visited work places like Darling Hair Factory, which they recommend it should be closed temporarily because it over congested. In fact, they observed, there is no difference between schools and some work places, they are all congested.

Therefore, the attention given to schools and churches should also be given to workers. ” How can Ministry of Health understand labour conditions and guidelines to help workers,” councilors wondered. There is no measure that has been put in place to protect workers. Not even Kacita represented workers in Kikuubo, but such people like Army Commander were seen at address of the nation!


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