
I can’t get my first love out of my head

Nabikowa singer Juliana Kannyomozi is currently single with a baby she breast feeds (assumedly because modern women do not do so), but she confessed she has never felt as much as she did with her first cut Amon Lukwago in the magical time they had 25 years ago.

Twenty five years ago, in her late teens, Kanyomozi got her first boyfriend. They had a completely magical love together. He was, and is, very confident and successful. On reflection, there was a class difference. Amon had big wallet; he would drive Julian around in open roof Toyota Celica Salon, their love was blissful.

Finding her feet in life was quite difficult. She  worked hard to penetrate the Music Industry until God opened the doors with “Taata wa abaana yaani,” which was followed by “Maama Mbiire that opened a can of sponsorships from Corporate companies. All this had a route; financial support was from Amon. 


   After he ended the relationship, they never kept in touch, and Kanyomozi always felt that he didn’t want to know her. It crushed her confidence, she felt absolute despair that she wouldn’t find love again afterwards. To make up for it, she tried to make her life as interesting as possible, she composed hits and became more popular than she was before.

That is how Juliana Kanyomozi made the end of the relationship positively. She had one significant relationship afterwards, she got hooked by Former International Boxer, Kasim Ouma, but it did end mysteriously.

Kanyomozi is today babysitting her only child, having lost her first born. She is amazingly lucky and also grateful. But she said she has never felt so much in a relationship since then, and she has never been able to keep her first love out of her mind. They say the first love is the deepest.