
Jose Chameleone tells OS Suna to free Jajja Ichuli

Just when the world is recovering from the Facebook outage; here in Uganda someone is using money to zip up the mouths of those able to air their views. OS Suna is the culprit but Jose Chameleone has told him to free Jajja Ichuli.

Well, the Basiima Ogenze singer, Jose Chameleone has showed empathy ( the ability to understand and share the feelings of another) to the imprisoned TV presenters. Chameleone has told OS Suna not to go far;  the Upper Arizona-Seguku Hill resident, posted on his Face book page that at least free Jajja Ichuli, Kayz ……

Pulling his ego high, Chameleone referred to OS Suna as Afande! ” I can’t define or explain why you have gone this far! Please borrow me your legal people for one B……jjo   Just free Jajja Ichuli! Kayz and nobody else.”

Well, what is that Jajja Ichuli did to Suna that he had to lose his million shillings to make sure he lodges into Kitalya Mini-Max Prison? May be OS Suna thought he was extending favours to Jajja Ichuli? Does he know how Kitalya deletes someones esteem as well as manhood.

OS Suna should be booked into lodges of Kitalya Mini-Max Prisons, one of these days so that he can understand what exactly he did to a fellow man.

However, singer Jose Chameleone has taken a mature decision. The Tubonga Nawe singer rightly opted to advise OS Suna. Otherwise, Suna was heading for a disastrous end. Money is not everything, man lives by the word of God not by money!  The Bible says that those who kill by the sword, they will also be killed the sword.  Now, OS Suna used money to make Jajja sleep in coolers. Someone else with more money will use the same and Suna will cry like a baby. Can you…