
Never fall for Fairlend it is a ponzi schemer

Never fall for Fairlend it is a Ponzi Schemer.  Fairlend are polished comen and women operating online. The Drone Media launched an investigation into this pseudo money lending schemers online and, the results are shocking!

We shall take you through this journey so that you can see how gullible Ugandans are in trouble. These supposedly money lenders who are based online, have several sponsored posts of their App on social media.  Once you fall into their snare and you register, they will take over all your important contacts and biography.

In the next step they will present to you exagerated loan figures so that you can apply since they beguile you that it is quick loan. The loan that was advertised say sh500,000 it will now be sh50,000 after registration of their App, even that sh50,000 will become sh43,000 in actual cash.  Surprisingly, you will be required to pay sh70,000 in just 8 days! You wonder what percentage is that?

As if that was not bad enough, the 8 days will not elapse, on the fifth day they will begin to harass you with messages, claiming they are reminding you of the loan, which is due on the eighth day. Yet this is not accepted in legal perspective, no harassment of a debtor with any kind of messages be it verbal or electronic.

Now, after you have paid sh70,000 they interest you that since you are a good client who pay back promptly, they will claim you now qualify for sh500,000 but as soon as you apply, a message that reads, ” We have increased your loan limit to UGX 110,000. You may get a higher limit after repaying it on time. Apply right now.” If you hesistate to apply for another loan they will keep their vibe and send you this message, ” Fairlend, Dear! We are eager to empower your life! Please do not hesitate to find us if you need cash any time. Apply now to buy great gifts for the one you care about!”

As soon as you apply  for sh110,000 they will send you a message informing you that your outstanding balance is UGX111, 650 and they add that please pay on time. Once you pay this they will then convice you to take up a slightly higher loan, but as soon as you apply, different loan figures will be displayed. This floorary goes on until your brains open up and you realize that these are polished conmen and women.

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