
Why are highly intelligent people forgetful and sometimes clueless?

By Correspondent 

They listen and observe a lot more than they speak and act. A lot of their energy is used up thinking and so they often do not have enough to spare for ..

However, this is a fallacy, they are not at all, or they are not very highly intelligent. People who are slower confuse forgetfulness and absentmindedness. One means you cannot remember.

A certain amount of forgetfulness is a sign of intelligence. So what is it when you do not forget or have a photograpic memory or ededic? Absentmindedness is where someone has billions of things rattling in their heads visually usually and they are engrossed over looking or stumbling or fumbling about.

Niether is really low IQ but like I asked then what is it to have high IQ and not be forgetful? One guy on here was equating Einstein to forgetful and absent minded. This is fallacy purely. He was genius, genius is not dull, he was professor at Princeton. He was not forgetful he was said to invented a memory game similar to Simon.

He was not forgetful and forgetful is not like when he did not tie his shoes that was absentmindedness until repeated then it was said he was conserving brain power, do not know if that’s true but I do not doubt it.

I belong to many high IQ societies. Many of those people are not geniuses, they are not all trying and well they do not forget. Many in this generation are being told remembering is not part of IQ then why is it on the Stanford Binet in many forms and you must remember a lot to get a great score on many IQ tests…people are silly and are commonly led astray…

You know those people who always boast about having a perfect memory? Maybe they shouldn’t, because having total recall is totally overrated …