


Ministry vehicles captured at different times

By Eldad Kalenge

A vehicle belonging to the Ministry of Health was found carrying business eggs. The act has prompted social media critiques to point fingers at the parties responsible.

However, The Drone Media has not found a law prohibiting whoever drives such government vehicles from carrying out businesses using them.

One of the posts on facebook puts it, “Today the vehicle belonging to the ministry of health is delivering eggs from the farm to the market. Last week , an ambulance belonging to the same ministry was sighted delivering bricks on a construction site instead of delivering sick people to the hospitals.”

The write who pretends to be a concerned citizen asked, “What is wrong with the ministry. If Deputy Speaker the Right Honorable Jacob Olyanya was the president of this country – Uganda, he would sack all top leadership in this ministry.”

Eggs in the ministry car

Is what the concerned citizen wrote possible? Was it written in good faith? If it is so what would you advise? In other words, what is your opinion?

Kalenge January says, ” Since there no stipulated law against such, there is no need to persecute the drivers. honestly, do people want such people to leave the cars parked and they carry such items on their heads.”

Besides, it seems there is someone witch-hunting the officials at the ministry, otherwise there are many government cars seen on roads carrying various items. How many times have you seen army cars carrying various items? Ugandans love to attack weak parties. Ugandans, actually;  are big on small things.

Imagine you are driving a ministry vehicle and you lose someone in the village. Will you park and use private means so that you should not misuse a government vehicle? This is sort of an opinion article, you should positively comment advising the public on how the government vehicles are supposed to be driven or kept.