
Of Kiwani jobs in Dubai & dirty camps

Yes, he went to Dubai and got a job. At some point, soon after starting the job, his employer asked for his passport for administration purposes.

The job was casual. However, the employer refused to return his passport. He claimed he was accommodating him at a work camp in the desert, where he was taken to the place of employment. He would be transported every morning, and taken back to the place of sleep at night.

He was closely watched so that he could not escape. Matsiko survived on water, rice and beans. He was literally enslaved. That’s just how it is in the UAE.

He says he has family members who lived there and he visited them many times. He saw all of the above first hand. He saw camps in the desert where the migrant workers were kept and also the buses they were transported in.

No air-conditioning for these people in 50c temperatures they were definitely treated badly. Same goes for the air conditioned bus shelter, squat outside but don’t go in.