
Newspaper headlines killed 4 teachers

By Drone Reporter 

Four teachers reportedly died after they were told that newspapers headlines indicated that schools in Uganda will open January, 2022 about four months from now.

Reports from various parts of the country indicate that the teachers died of shock. Some of these teachers owned private schools while others were teaching on private programs.  The teachers owed money to loan shackles commonly known as Kafunna.

The incidents happened  in Kamwenge,   Isingiro (Kabuyanda), Wakiso  and Mukono district. The teachers who have been grassing for almost 6 months, hoped the schools would be opened next month (October), but to their surprise the newspaper headlines threw the sad news into their faces.

Sources in the government familiar with the state’s position on schools  reopening have revealed that both primary and secondly schools will reopen in January 2022.