

By Matthias Mugisha.

I remember him telling me how he died and rose from the dead. “Like Jesus?” I asked. He looked at me, smiled and said.

” Jesus is fake. He has no birthday. The Bible is just a book for children stories. Wake up and follow the truth.” I am the only true God. I have a birth day. You follow the Bible and call your selves names you don’t understand. For example the name John means a toilet. And some Johns are proud of their name.” He started lecturing me while making reference from a dictionary. Sure, John means a toilet. I agreed.

“Did you get a death certificate when you died?” confused, I asked him.
“Young man, God’s ways are too complicated for you mortals to comprehend.” He went on as he asked some of his disciples to bring me a copy of one his “Holy Books.”

The book has testimonies from his various followers. In the book, one woman claims how Bisaka, a former catichest and music composer in the Catholic Church rose his kid from the dead.

Bisaka at one point wanted to be a Catholic Priest. His Christian name is Desteo. He has since discarded the it. His official name is Ruhanga (God) Owobuzobozi Bisaka.

“People think you are just like Kibwetere who killed people in Kanungu.” I pressed on. It was now approaching midnight. I had been living under the same roof with him at his home while doing a story for the Sunday Magazine along with Elizabeth Namazzi.”

We spent all the time there without shoes No body other than him is allowed to wear shoes in “God’s” compound.
I didn’t know he is “God” until I asked him this question at night:

“Who will takeover when you die?: He looked at me, shook his head and smiled.
“I have never heard anybody asking “God” when he is going to die and people share his property.” he replied.

“Are you God, the creator?”
“You don’t know how lucky you are to be talking to God..” he said.

For two days, I wanted to catch him eating and get my Headline like ” GOD LOVES MUKENE” but failed. Though we used to talk until late at night, I never saw him eat.Every nigh he would religiously give us audience. He was a good listener. He never lost his cool and was clever in his “godly” ways.

He was a busy man during the day at his complex at Kapyeemi in Muhorro, Kibale. People camped at his headquarters waiting for him to solve their problems. The sick, the depressed, the bewitched, the dying, the young the frail and the mad all stayed there. Some can be from neighbouring countries.
Bisaka had big wards to accommodate everybody and enough food to feed them.

For the lucky ones, he touched their foreheads and they rejoiced. Those too far from him would throw their clothes including underwear along his path to step on. After stepping on garments, the owners picked them while wailing with satisfaction. They went home claiming this ailments were cured and all problems solved.

When I asked him about Kibwetere, he looked at me straight in the face and replied me promptly as if he had been expecting the question. He had a hatred for Catholics.

“Kibwetere was a Catholic. He was not the first Catholic to burn people alive. He was a fake prophet. Im not a prophet. Im not comparable to men. Im “God.” The only and only true “God.”
All his disciples around him, dressed in snow-white tunics clapped their hands.

“Now that you have heard the truth from the Almighty, its time for you denounce the false religion you follow and come home.” One of his disciples, an elderly light skinned man with grey hair begged me.

Owobusobozi, died at the age of 91 years on January 14. His body was preserved and kept in a glass coffin at Kapyeemi, the headquarters of the Faith of Unity religious sect.
Rest in Peace “God.”