
Nalongo Stella Nyanzi prays Ssenga Rebecca Kadaga is not re-elected

By Stella Nyanzi

I pray that Ssenga Rebecca Kadaaga is not re-elected as Speaker of Parliament in Uganda. There are many reasons behind my earnest prayer; some of these crystallized during the recent mismanagement of COVID19 in our country.

However, the most poignant reason for my praying against Aunt Becky’s return to the sweet chair of Speaker of Parliament is the violence that was unleashed upon our legislators on her watch.

Militant brutes wearing cheap suits were released as mad rabid dogs upon our parliament after Kadaaga suspended 25 legislators whose sole crime was defending the Constitution of Uganda. The SFC goons violently removed the 25 named legislators and others from the house.

In attempt for the MPs to defend themselves from the SFC, a fight ensued involving fists, kicks, bites, screams, scratches, hitting with microphones, standing on seats, hiding under seats, tearing of clothes, fainting, breaking bones, bruising bodies, traumatizing the psyche of the nation and ruining our legislature’s history.

Hon Betty Nambooze Bakireke is still in a wheelchair; her body and bones broken from the brutal beatings of the SFC in parliament.

And after the one hour of violent removal of the Togikwatako MPs, Speaker Becca returned to the House of Parliament and proceeded with business as if it was normal. Her meanness facilitated the violent and corrupt removal of Article 102(b) providing for presidential age-limits from Uganda’s Constitution.

Rebecca held our parliament down as Yoweri Museveni raped it. Rebecca spread the legs of our Constitution wide as Yoweri Museveni raped it another time. And after the deed was over, she returned to parliament as if nothing was wrong.

Call me crazy, like you always do, but I am shocked that Ugandans have amnesia which allows shameless facilitators of rape of parliament to return to the race for those supposed to be protectors of the house. This paternal Aunt failed dismally in her sexual role of protecting the virginal purity of parliament from the incestuous rape by her brother who runs the Executive of the land. Ssenga Beeka became haram