

They want a companion, not beauty, men if you want to save yourself from future agony , take time to know the true characters of a girl.
First avoid the temptation of falling for flesh alone, but her characters, a beautiful woman with character, beauty is a bonus!
Most men when searching for a life partner they just over concentrate on the woman’s physical attributes & they go looking for the boobs, bums, hips etc & completely ignore red flags in her characters like temper, selfishness, lack of self control, extravagant etc.
Let women “make up” their characters much more than they make up their body.
Appreciate your husband for whatever he is to you & whatever he does.
And marriage is not for small boys because small boys struggle to forgive, demand everything speedily , lack of patience to wait, have many friends, cannot listen to understand & they think that they are always right.
May God guide people in the marriage ministry .